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3 measurement scales: - PROBABLE ALCOHOLIC GRADE 0 - 25% Vol.- BAUME GRADE 0-20.- BRIX DEGREE 0 - 40. Automatic Temperature Correction(CAT).Direct reading.You don't need boards.
3 scales Direct reading of the freezing point of antifreeze, indicating the freezing point of the mixture with water and the percentage of antifreeze liquid necessary to achieve a certain point of freezing. 1-Scale 1100 to 1400 sg, to measure the concentration of the electrolyte liquid in the battery.2-Scale 0 ° C....
DIGITAL REFRACTOMETERThis modelwith a new design that will change the traditional conceptions of refractometers. Surprisingly compact, about the size of a mobile phone that allows portability and use both indoor and outdoor. It can be slip into a pocket, hung on the neck or attached to a waist belt. Direct reading...