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Press suitable for the extraction of olive oil cold or heating the paste.The whipped pasta is placed in cotton food bags with a maximum capacity of 3 kg per pressing.
For pressing the pasta. Production: +/- 2.5 KG for olive paste fiber disks. The machine is supplied with 12 olive paste fiber disks, (supports up to 36 capachos). Pressing time: 2 hours approximately. The presses have a total capacity of 36 capachos.Plate and shell diameter: 400 mm.hydraulic pressure jack 10...
For pressing the pasta. Production: +/- 3 KG per capacho. The machine is supplied with 12 capachos, (supports up to 36 capachos). Pressing time: 2 hours approximately.The presses have a total capacity of 36 capachos.Plate and shell diameter: 500 mm.hydraulic pressure jack 20 tn.Dimensions: 700 x 600 x 1,500...
Press suitable for the extraction of olive oil cold or heating the paste.The whipped pasta is placed in cotton bags for food with a maximum capacity of 8 kg per pressing, that is, a yield of approximately 1 lt. For each pressing.
Hydraulic motorized press for cold pressing. In this type of pressing, the process lasts between 4 and 5 hours until the olive oil is obtained. Production of oil by cold pressing. You can also make oil from seeds, wines, nuts, etc ... TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICSLower plate and central guide in stainless steel....